- a positive life
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- You
Hey there friend!
Thank you for being here right now, I appreciate you and your time.
As always, I am writing these words with gratitude and compassion.
Today, I want to focus on authenticity.
Notice yourself:
Give yourself a moment to reflect.
Take a deep breath.
Think to yourself about all of the unique traits, characteristics, mannerisms, gestures, and details that unite to make you the person that you are.
Grab your journal.
When was the last time you truly thought about yourself as a whole?
Please take a moment to show yourself some well deserved appreciation.
You are magic:
There is no other soul identical to you.
You ARE one of a kind.
Do you realize that?
Ponder on that for a minute.
Seriously. Think about that.
You are one of a kind.
Show up as yourself. Give yourself the freedom to be YOU.
Be the you that you are, authentically.
There is no need to hide aspects of your personality, just be you.
Nobody compares to you— literally.
Quit shrinking yourself:
It’s easy to think that you are being yourself, but sometimes doubts come in, unintentional comparisons come in, judgmental thoughts come in, and all of these alter your behavior in ways you don’t always notice.
There are so many ways in which we as humans tend to shrink ourselves out of worry or concern of what others might think of us.
We give so much of our power away so easily, without even realizing that we do.
There are over 8 billion souls in their own journey in this world and none of them are experiencing this journey in the same way that you are.
Remind yourself you are YOU, nobody is you and nobody will ever be you.
Give yourself permission to be the person you are fully meant to be.
You were precisely created to be just the way you are for a reason. Don’t minimize yourself to be like someone else— retain your authenticity, embrace it.
Stay strong and always remember the power and strength you hold within you to keep going. Never give up, keep your head up!
With kindness and gratitude,
a positive life / @affirmingnow