Temporary moment

Hi friend!

Thank you for being here right now, I appreciate you.

I hope this month has been going amazing for you!

Today, I just wanted to remind you that small inconveniences are not permanent and that everything truly is okay.

Stepping stones

Days are similar to stepping stones.

Some stones are bulky, others are small, some stones are shiny, others are opaque, etc.— days also vary.

Every single day won’t be smooth or easy, in the same manner that every single day will not be difficult or complex.

There is always a balance.

Stepping stones serve as a path that ultimately leads to a destination.

Days carry with them lessons and experiences that guide you to the achievement of your goals, dreams, and aspirations— your purpose.

Every single day is important and has a reason for happening the way it does, even if it brings a circumstance that seems unpleasant in the moment.


View the small inconveniences in a positive light, have peace in knowing that these are temporary.

No pain or discomfort lasts forever.

Allow yourself the opportunity to try and understand what the small inconvenience is representing for you in the moment that it is happening.

Remember, small inconveniences are not worth taking so much of your joy away.

Gentle reminder

Challenging times are transitory.

Everything is actually okay!

It is only 1 day with 24hrs. The next day holds a new set of 24hrs full of opportunities to make it a beautiful and magnificent day.

It is all a balance.

Both good and bad days come and go.

Soak every single day in, but don’t get so caught up and carried away by them— especially the difficult ones.

If you ever feel stuck or are experiencing an unfavorable time, please remember that it too shall pass— it is only a temporary moment.

Stay strong and always remember the power and strength you hold within you to keep going. Never give up, keep your head up!

With kindness and gratitude,

a positive life / @affirmingnow