
Hi friend!

I hope you’ve been doing amazing since the last message I sent out. I hope today’s message finds you with light and gratitude!

Today’s note will be a short one.

I just wanted to provide you with a reminder to continue going forward, no matter what.

Never allow a situation, an event, or a person to dim your light.

Things will not always go as planned or as hoped for, but you have to go back and think about how this is all still working out for you.

Continue being that beautiful soul that you are.

Don’t give external circumstances power over you.

Remain resilient and courageous.

There’s magic in everything that happens in your life. You may not see the why in the moment, but as you progress you will see why that situation or event happened the way that it did, or why that person had to cross your path at the time that they did.

Life has a way of working itself out for you, you just have to trust it.

You are not alone in this journey, please remember that.

Please keep on spreading your joy and essence in the places you visit and with every person you encounter.

I am cheering for you and for all of us!

Stay strong and always remember the power and strength you hold within you to keep going. Never give up, keep your head up!

With kindness and gratitude,

a positive life / @affirmingnow