2024 is here!

Hi there!

I am writing to you with the hope that my words provide inspiration and confidence for you today. 2024 started a couple of days ago, thank you for allowing yourself some time to read today’s article, I am very thankful you’re here.

Thank you, 2023

I want to start off by providing you with some space to express gratitude. Start the new year off by giving thanks for being able to see the completion of 2023. Daily routines often times cause everything to be in constant motion and make life seem like a blur. Grant yourself a minute to put into words the gratitude you feel for being able to experience the full realization of 2023.

2023 perhaps brought you highs and lows, happiness and sadness, serenity and chaos— but you must remember that everything presented itself to you at the right time and in the way it was meant for you. Give yourself permission to say ‘thank you’, thank you for enduring everything last year brought you.

Peace, 2023

The reality is, only you yourself know all that you went through. Yes, you allowed others a small view into your experiences, but you are the only one who knows the whole story— the feelings you had, the reactions you took, the before and aftermath, etc. Often times some of the things experienced are unconsciously held on to, start making peace with these in 2024. Some things are harder to let go of and others seem insignificant to us and are already eliminated from our minds. When the thought of the past comes into your mind, remind yourself you are no longer there. You have moved forward, you are no longer living that past, let go of it. Bring your mind to the present moment and take it in, the past is gone, you’ve already lived it— stop re-living it. Leave 2023 there, in the past.

Come on, 2024

Congratulate yourself, seriously. 2024 is here and it will be great for you! Make a plan for all those goals. You probably have your New Year’s resolutions written down already, now it’s time to make a plan on how you’re going to achieve them. No, achieving these goals won’t be easy, but you already knew that. Be realistic with yourself, create doable and manageable plans. Those goals you have are more than achievable, you just have to sit down and make a plan for them. Place faith in your abilities and in your capacity and potential, nothing can stop you besides yourself. Be your own friend, encourage yourself, lift yourself up, commend yourself— you are so amazing. You are more than capable of reaching those goals of yours this 2024, take the steps— make a plan.

Cheers to a beautiful 2024!

Stay strong and always remember the power and strength you hold within you to keep going. Never give up, keep your head up!

With kindness and gratitude,

a positive life / @affirmingnow